Organic-D recommends using fresh vegetables as a cure.

While everyone is eating seasonal cucumbers and tomatoes, the root vegetables time is just beginning!

This year Organic-D farm celebrates carrots and beets harvest  festival. And the third year of the company’s birth. But we’ve already put together an interesting philosophy of healthy eating vegetables “as medicine.”

The famous 5 + 2 rule states that everyone must eat five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day to be healthy. A serving of vegetables is, for example, a small carrot or half a cup of green peas. And potatoes don’t count in no way! One serving of fruit looks like a medium apple, orange, or pear. Numerous healthcare organizations consider in such consumption the prevention of type II diabetes, heart attacks, ischemic diseases and functional bowel disorders.

Organic-D company is an ideal supplier of products grown in compliance with ecological technology. We supply vegetables to educational institutions, boarding schools and the like. We are glad to have the opportunity to improve the diet of those who especially need it.

Автор материала: Юлия Черник