The main activity of Organic-D company is the cultivation of root crops. The main crops for several years have been remained carrots, beetroots, onions and cabbages.

Modern agriculture is characterized by intensive plowing of land. This is evidenced by the acceleration of the rate of humus mineralization. And, as a consequence, its losses over the past 100 years reach 20% depending on the types of soil. Therefore, the vegetable company Organic-D decided to enrich the soil with natural fertilizer of its own production.

In 2017, the agricultural enterprise Organic-D first applied the Effluent fertilizer to its vegetable fields. Effluent is the ‘fermented waste’ from pigs, a fertilizer of organic origin. It was patented in 2020. The anaerobic method of processing the residual products of the pig complex is also used for waste disposal and gas production. But the most important goal is to improve the characteristics of humus layer and the quality of the vegetables grown.

Experts in the agricultural industry note that carrots and beetroots fertilized with Effluent have a richer taste and aroma. And consumers recognize the more pronounced sweetness of vegetables. Children especially praise Organic-D vegetables. Sweet carrots are the first veggies that company employees buy home.

Carrots are in high demand on the agricultural market. The root crop is not so much whimsical to the composition of the soil, as it reacts to the water resistance and looseness of the earth. This is exactly where the Effluent fertilizer helps us – it oxygenates soil and nourishes it naturally. Thanks to this fertilizer, Organic-D reduces the amount of mineral fertilizers, but at the same time enhances their assimilation.

To guarantee a high-quality bountiful harvest, Organic-D also provided timely irrigation for the needs of cultivation using drip irrigation. It has been applied on the company’s fields since 2019.

An integrated approach to carrot cultivation gives the expected results. Organic-D recommends finding the optimal balance in the dosage of organic and mineral fertilizer application, exactly following the timing and the compatibility between.

Автор: Черник Юлия